
Our VCE Learning Journey

14 December 2022
Our VCE Learning Journey

For two years in a row now, we have exceeded our previous VCE results. A pleasant surprise has been the jump in the number of students achieving 40 and above in their study scores and our first perfect study scores of 50 in VET Sport and Recreation and VET Business!

We have strived to promote the message to our students to stop worrying about the scaling system and focus their energies into studying and having a growth mindset. It feels like that has finally paid off this year.

Alhamdulilah, by the grace of Allah we have achieved the following results for our 24 students who completed VCE this year:

  • Over 12% of students achieved an ATAR of over 95, with the highest ATAR being 98.05 (Maa Shaa Allah from a student who has memorised the Quran).
  • Over 16% of students achieved an ATAR of over 90.
  • Over 37% of students received an ATAR of over 80.
  • About 80% of students received an ATAR of over 70.
  • The median ATAR for the College is 76.3

Whilst we do not define our success through the ATAR, this is an outstanding result from our VCE students and staff that should be recognised. More importantly, it shows the progress that we are making progress in our learning journey as we build on our foundations of learning and akhlaaq (good values and morals). May Allah accept our efforts and give our students khair and barakah in this life and the akhirah.