
Careers Expo: Student Session

14 August 2015
Careers Expo: Student Session

The career expo held on the 13th August provided students from Year 9-12 with very important information in regards to career choices. We had representatives from the university sector including La Trobe, RMIT, Deakin, Victoria Uni & ACU as well as representatives from the TAFE and private sectors including Melbourne Polytechnic, JMC Academy, and Holmes Institute & Fashion Masters.

During the designated sessions the Year 9-12 students received an abundance of information related to the courses and career opportunities that they have available to them in deciding what they want to study and the course opportunities that exist.

The Year 9-10 Students were specifically informed about study pathways and the options that exist for choices after Year 10 including the VCE, VCAL and VET studies.

All students were also advised about further study options after Year 12 including TAFE and University qualifications.

Students then had an opportunity to visit the presenters at their exhibits, collect information and ask questions to help in their decision making process.

As a parent/guardian you are encouraged to speak to your child about the information that they have gathered and to help them in their decision making process for the study pathway they wish to pursue and the subjects that they should choose in preparation for VCE.

Maha Elsayegh VCE Co-ordinator