
Primary Students Earthquake Appeal Fundraiser

22 March 2023
Primary Students Earthquake Appeal Fundraiser

Our Year 4-6 Primary students volunteered their time and effort to create a fundraiser for the victims of the Turkey, Syria & Lebanon earthquakes. The students sacrificed from their lunch and break times to plan for the event. On the day of our annual Sports Carnival, students from Years 4-6 sold popcorn, lemonade, ice-blocks, Islamic Art, 3D Printed figures, books, cards and other items.

Almost $2,000 was raised by the students. The funds will be used by Ms Noori to purchase items to include in the container that leaves this week. A special mention to the families who came on the day to help the kids out in their selling. May Allah reward you immensely for your generosity with your time and money.

We were truly humbled by the determination of our students to run this fundraiser and the warmth and compassion to which they felt they wanted to contribute. This is Islamic Values in action and what we aspire to encourage in all of us with the help of Allah (SWT).

View more photos here.