
Car Park Etiquette

24 October 2018
Car Park Etiquette

We would like to remind all parents and staff entering the school grounds to adhere to the 10km/h speed limit. As a community, we share responsibility to care for all students, not just our own. This means driving slowly, obeying the guidance of the support staff on duty and parking in the appropriate places.

Please take note that the DRIVEWAY to the main car park is NOT A PICK UP OR DROP OFF ZONE! We keep seeing students being dropped off along the driveway on a daily basis which is a health and safety issue. It also delays cars entering and exiting the car park.

Despite our numerous efforts to address and educate our community about car park safety, it appears our attempts have not been followed by staff and parents. Therefore, we have no other option as to involve local police. We have requested police presence at the school to enforce safety rules and car park etiquette. Please note that the police have the power to issue fines and infringement notices.

Our newly appointed Security Officer Br. Abdul-Fattah will also be present on site, enforcing these rules and regulations. We ask that if he approaches you, to kindly obey his instructions. He is acting in the best interest for the safety of our students.