
ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ news

Primary School news – 290 stories

  • Year 1 Incursion: Wildlife Encounters

    16 December 2021

    Our Year 1 students were super excited to welcome some unusual scaly and slithery guest to our assembly room for their "Wildlife Xposure" incursion. Exploring and learning about living things, nature and the environment transformed an everyday class lesson into a truly unique and real life memorable hands-on learning experience: Students… Read more

    Year 1 Incursion: Wildlife Encounters
  • Foundation: Chesterfield Animal Farm

    14 December 2021

    Last week, on the 29th of November, the Foundation students had their very much awaited excursion to the Chesterfield Animal Farm. Alhamdulillah, it was an amazing experience for all our students and teachers! We were greeted by an enchanting peacock at the entrance, and then followed with some patting and cuddling of baby animals like… Read more

    Foundation: Chesterfield Animal Farm
  • Virtual authors visit and book talk

    2 December 2021

    We are honoured to have hosted two interactive virtual author visits and book talks for our Primary students as part of Book Week 2021. The morning saw our Foundation to Year 2 students engaging with the wonderful Jacqueline Gause, author of children’s book "Friendship in any language". Jacqueline is an educator, author and speaker with… Read more

    Virtual authors visit and book talk
  • Spoonville is back

    1 December 2021

    We are super excited to celebrate Book Week from 30 November to 7 December 2021. It is wonderful to see students enjoying to read in class and at the Book Fair. As one of the numerous fun and engaging activities, our Primary students in Foundation to Year 2 were asked to bring in wooden spoons which they then decorated in class as… Read more

    Spoonville is back
  • Year 4 Camp Angahook

    24 November 2021

    Angahook Campsite was the Year 4’s camp this year between 10th and 12th November, located in Aireys Inlet, near Anglesea, along Victoria’s famous surf coast. Given the unpredictability of this school year, we were indeed very fortunate to be able to attend and make the most of the facilities and the opportunities presented to our lovely… Read more

    Year 4 Camp Angahook
  • Year 4 Virtual Cook Along Class

    27 October 2021

    We have a confection to make: In order to boost the Year 4 students’ spirits during lockdown, the teachers hosted a virtual Cook Along class, inviting the students to join together in donning their aprons, rolling up their sleeves and creating scrumptious Chocolate Balloon Cups and Ice Chocolate Drizzles. This brought a smile to many… Read more

    Year 4 Virtual Cook Along Class
  • Year 4 students' news reports

    25 October 2021

    Someone once said that journalism is the first rough draft of History. Year 4 and Hifz A students have been learning to write news reports in this term. The students observed animals in the wild via webcams and communicated their observations. Some students wrote about Victoria’s lockdown. Please put your hands together for our budding… Read more

    Year 4 students' news reports
  • Welcome back to class, Foundation students

    18 October 2021

    What a delight to see our youngest students back in their classrooms, with their laughter and excited voices ringing through the otherwise empty corridors and out on the playground. This morning saw our Foundation students returning to school after a 74-day absence. For the next three days, our youngest students and their teachers can… Read more

    Welcome back to class, Foundation students
  • End of term celebrations

    17 September 2021

    Wednesday, 15 September 2021 marked the last day of online learning for our students in Term 3. From Footy Colours and movie day, picnic at home, cooking or joining the Go Gold for cancer kids campaign, lockdown and remote learning could not stop our wonderful Primary students and staff from celebrating all their hard work and ongoing… Read more

    End of term celebrations
  • Year 1D End of Term Celebrations

    16 September 2021

    On today’s last day of Term 3, our Year 1D students celebrated their hard work an efforts throughout this term by making yummy snowballs. All the students enjoyed the activity! We all had lots of fun baking and designing our delicious snowballs. We invite you to see more photos of this and other class' end of term celebrations and… Read more

    Year 1D End of Term Celebrations
  • Foundation: Maths rockets

    14 September 2021

    Our youngest students in Foundation have worked very hard during online learning on creating their very own Maths rockets. The task was to count backwards from a given number. Click here to see their amazing work and colourful rockets!/gallery/junior-school/foundation-maths-rockets/september-2021 and well… Read more

    Foundation: Maths rockets
  • RU OK? Day 2021: Virtual Recess

    10 September 2021

    Another lock down what more is there to say. We’re checking in to see "R U OK?". Not in class not with friends, it really has been a while. We’re here to help to cheer you up and make you smile. – Poem written by Ms Desiree Kaldine. RU Ok? Day is an annual event which happens once a year on the second Thursday of September, is it to… Read more

    RU OK? Day 2021: Virtual Recess
  • RU OK? Day: First ever virtual playground

    10 September 2021

    Since our return to remote learning, student opportunities to talk to, play with, and check on friends have been hard to come by. We understand that social elements of student-to-student interactions are important for helping them remain part of the learning community and maintain friendships. Along with our annual R U OK Day program, Al… Read more

    RU OK? Day: First ever virtual playground
  • Maths Talent Quest: Year 4C wins Distinction Award

    7 September 2021

    For the first time ever, one of our Primary classes participated in the annual Maths Talent Quest competition organised by the Mathematical Association of Victoria MAV, requiring students to carry out real world Maths-based investigations. The MAV received more than 370 entries from various schools in Victoria. Alhamdulillah, I am… Read more

    Maths Talent Quest: Year 4C wins Distinction Award
  • Book Recommendation by Abdurrahman S. (Year 3)

    25 August 2021

    Book Week is the perfect time to read – may it be a new or classic novel or different genre. We have received the wonderful book recommendation below by Abdurrahman Ahmed Saad from Year 3B about Enid Blyton’s classic novel series "The Famous Five" which we are pleased to be sharing with you today: "Famous Five" is an adventure series… Read more

    Book Recommendation by Abdurrahman S. (Year 3)
  • Book Week "Old Worlds": Year 4 Book Cover Designs

    23 August 2021

    Celebrating Book Week and focusing on "Old Worlds" as part of this year’s theme, our Year 4 and Hifz students have re-created book covers to depict older books and classics. They were encouraged to seek inspiration from their parents by asking them what their favourite books were whilst growing up. Alhamdulillah, our students went ‘book… Read more

    Book Week
  • Year 5 and 6 Boys Camp ADANAC

    13 August 2021

    Wow what a buzz! The boys disembarked from their buses wide-eyed and full of anticipation. The forecast was for rain tomorrow and the next day and we all wondered how much of the outdoor activities they would fit in. The accommodation was positioned atop a small mountain facing a beautiful view of the valley and remnants of the Great… Read more

    Year 5 and 6 Boys Camp ADANAC
  • Year 2 Excursion to Cook’s Cottage

    6 August 2021

    Students in two of our Year 2 classes were very fortunate right in between two lockdowns to be able to experience history coming alive on their visit yesterday to Captain Cook’s Cottage. The students have been learning about Captain Cook in class as part of "history of my community" in Humanities. The excursion was a great opportunity for… Read more

    Year 2 Excursion to Cook’s Cottage
  • New sandpit and play area now complete

    24 June 2021

    We are pleased to announce that the project for a new sandpit and rope pyramid for our youngest students in Foundation to Year 2 has been officially completed. After receiving the Certificate of Completion from the contractor, we were able to open up the brand new play area to our Eary Years students. As you can imagine, they have… Read more

    New sandpit and play area now complete
  • Official Opening Ceremony: Years 3 – 6 Learning Neighbourhood

    21 May 2021

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ College hosted an Official Opening Ceremony for the Years 3 to 6 Learning Neighbourhood, the latest infrastructure built to cater to the increasing demand for quality education in the growth corridor of Melbourne’s outer north on Friday, 21 May 2021. The event was hosted by College Captain Humza Ghouse. The opening prayer was… Read more

    Official Opening Ceremony: Years 3 – 6 Learning Neighbourhood
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