
ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ news

All news – 1714 stories

  • World Teachers' Day

    29 September 2016

    Next week marks "World Teachers' Day", and we would like to use this opportunity to say a heartfelt THANK YOU to our wonderful, hard working and deeply dedicated teaching staff across all year levels and subjects!. World Teachers' Day was inaugurated on 5th October 1994 by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation… Read more

    World Teachers' Day
  • Staff Cycling for Cancer Kids

    21 September 2016

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ’s cycling team was featured in an article published yesterday in the "Northern Star Weekly". The following staff members will be riding to raise funds for kids fighting cancer throughout October: - Ms Nazreen. - Ms Fatema. - Ms Soumaya. - Ms Rahat. - Ms Sonia not in photo. - Ms Tanya. - and Mariam Year 4. You can read the… Read more

    Staff Cycling for Cancer Kids
  • Primary Exhibition 2016

    9 September 2016

    We would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. Term 3 has been a very busy term for both students and teachers in the Junior School with the upcoming Inquiry Learning Exhibition. We are now looking forward to celebrate our students’ learning and would like you to save the date to join us. JUNIOR SCHOOL… Read more

    Primary Exhibition 2016
  • East Preston Cup 2016

    7 September 2016

    2016 marked yet another memorable experience for both East Preston Islamic College and ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ College. EPIC stole the show with 4 wins out of the 6 matches played in the competition. East Preston Islamic College played host yet again to the annual East Preston Cup. Now in its fourth consecutive year, students from Years 5 to 10, both… Read more

    East Preston Cup 2016
  • Annual Islamic Quiz Competition

    6 September 2016

    In its third consecutive year, the Islamic Quiz was once again facilitated by Darul Ulum College, playing host to both ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ and Ilim College. The event was held in the school’s Masjid, with a large audience in attendance. Holding the title from 2015, ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ was aiming for a back-to-back consecutive victory. As for Ilim, they were… Read more

    Annual Islamic Quiz Competition
  • 2016 Hajj Simulation

    6 September 2016

    Asalamu Alaikum Dear Parents/Carers. Last week we were delighted at offering our Junior School students the opportunity to experience a Hajj simulation. Across two days, they were guided through the different aspects of Hajj with their Religion teachers and the fantastic efforts of the Year 9 students who were studying the topic about… Read more

    2016 Hajj Simulation
  • Year 5 and 6 Boys: Bachar Houli Cup 2016

    2 September 2016

    The Year 5/6 boys football team have been working very hard for weeks in preparation to play in the Bachar Houli Cup. They have been sacrificing their own recess, lunch and even Wednesday after school at the Auskick Centre right here at ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ. In the lead up to the competition the boys worked together to find a team structure… Read more

    Year 5 and 6 Boys: Bachar Houli Cup 2016
  • Science Week: Robots, Droids and Drones

    2 September 2016

    From the 15th to 19th August, ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ staff and students celebrated National Science Week. The fun filled week started with the Years 7 to10 "Battle of the Year Levels", with 7A winning the battle undefeated in three rounds. Our teachers enjoyed a "Scigh Tea" in the robotics lab and sampled bits and bots while building a fruit robot… Read more

    Science Week: Robots, Droids and Drones
  • Year 9 and 10: "Go Girl, Go for IT" at Deakin University

    2 September 2016

    On the 16th August, the Year 9A and 10A girls participated in the Deakin University Information Technology and Engineering Expo. "Go Girl, Go for IT" is a free IT career showcase run by the Victorian ICT for Women network for all Secondary School Girls to hear about the incredible range of vocational avenues that are available in IT. "Go… Read more

    Year 9 and 10:
  • Year 10: Careers Expo

    2 September 2016

    On the 26th August, the Year 10 students attended the "Spot Jobs Careers Expo" help at the Melbourne Convention Centre. The "Spot Jobs Career Expo" is the largest and most comprehensive careers event in Victoria. This expo encompasses all career opportunities for employment and training in the trades, corporate and professional sectors… Read more

    Year 10: Careers Expo
  • Year 1 and 3 Excursion to Pit Gymnastics

    2 September 2016

    Sporting Schools program takes our Primary gymnastics to greater heights. ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ Primary students participated in a gymnastics program funded by the Government Sporting Schools Grant. The tuck sit, straddle, star shape and motorbike landing all have one thing in common, they all belong to key shapes in gymnastics. Over 190 students… Read more

    Year 1 and 3 Excursion to Pit Gymnastics
  • Year 11: Chemistry and the Real World

    1 September 2016

    As part of the Year 11 Chemistry studies, our Senior students went out to Coburg Lake to do a water analysis test. Students collected water samples from different locations of the lake and tested the water quality. The outdoor practical investigation allowed students to discover some of the important roles Chemistry has in the environment… Read more

    Year 11: Chemistry and the Real World
  • Year 9 Lazer Skirmish and Bowling Excursion

    31 August 2016

    Laser lights firing through the dark maze, whilst students wondered around walls, barrels and ramps. This challenge couldn’t stop the excitement, energy and laughter of our year 9 Boys and Girls Outdoor Education class. Students experienced Laser skirmish at the AMF bowling centre in Marribanong which included amazing graffiti art over… Read more

    Year 9 Lazer Skirmish and Bowling Excursion
  • Year 9 Outdoor Education: Golf Range Experience

    31 August 2016

    Jason Day could have finally met his match!. This term, our Year 9 outdoor education students made a short trip to the local driving range to experience first hand what it would be like to drive off a tee. For many students this was an absolute first, however after a few swings and near misses, our young golfing hopefuls actually managed… Read more

    Year 9 Outdoor Education: Golf Range Experience
  • Seniors Celebrating Literacy and Numeracy Week

    31 August 2016

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ kicked off National Literacy and Numeracy Week with an exciting assembly where students and teachers dressed up as book characters. Staff choose to go with famous "Harry Potter" characters like Albus Dumbledore, Prof. Snape, Prof. McGonagall, Lucius Malfoy, Beatrix Lestrange and of course, Harry Potter and his loyal side-kick… Read more

    Seniors Celebrating Literacy and Numeracy Week
  • Juniors Celebrating Numeracy and Literacy Week

    30 August 2016

    Our Junior School students have been celebrating Numeracy and Literacy Week with various fun activities in their classrooms last week. Some of the many activities included a pyjama dress-up day for our Foundation to Year 2 students, with most students coming to their classes in their colourful pj’s. Students were delighted to find out… Read more

    Juniors Celebrating Numeracy and Literacy Week
  • Seniors Win Word Mania in Northern Region of Melbourne

    30 August 2016

    Breaking News!!!. ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ wins the Word Mania Competition in the Melbourne North Region. Nationally, our students finished as follows from approximately 2,000 schools across Australia: . - Year 7’s: 13th place. - Year 8’s: 31st place. - Year 9’s: 17th place. Our students have done exceptionally well! Read more

    Seniors Win Word Mania in Northern Region of Melbourne
  • ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ Holds Literacy Olympics 2016

    30 August 2016

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ is proudly hosting the first ever LITERACY OLYMPICS 2016 for students from Years 7 to 12. The English Department of the Secondary School is proud to announce that the Literacy Olympics 2016 will start on the 29th of August and conclude on the 4th of September, Insha Allah. - Years 7 to 12 students are participating in the… Read more

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ Holds Literacy Olympics 2016
  • Year 8 Assignment on Mountain Building

    30 August 2016

    Senior students from our Year 8 classes have been studying mountain building. As their assessment for this term, they had to study a volcano and then make a model and create a PowerPoint or poster. Here are photos of some of the volcano cakes they made. There will be some photos of exploding models to follow soon. Read more

    Year 8 Assignment on Mountain Building
  • Year 10’s Studying about the Management of Coastlines

    30 August 2016

    Senior students from Year 10 have been studying the management of coastlines in Humanities. Please find attached some photographs of a practical activity that we did with 10A where the students had to try different methods to protect a coastline. Read more

    Year 10’s Studying about the Management of Coastlines
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