
ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ news

All news – 1714 stories

  • Team ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ wins medal

    29 November 2021

    The final fundraising total for the 2021 Great Cycle Challenge has been revealed by the Children’s Medical Research Institute to be a massive $6,976,263 for kids fighting cancer. These funds will support CMRI to continue their important work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment for childhood cancer. Team ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ became first… Read more

    Team ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ wins medal
  • Year 7 and 8 BOYS Camp

    24 November 2021

    Our Secondary Year 7 and 8 boys were lucky enough to experience a camp this year, spending a weekend away at Camp Kangaroobie, near the Victorian Surf Coast. While the weather was at times challenging for all, especially while completing outdoor activities, students and staff soldiered on and most importantly, had fun. Farm activities… Read more

    Year 7 and 8 BOYS Camp
  • Year 4 Camp Angahook

    24 November 2021

    Angahook Campsite was the Year 4’s camp this year between 10th and 12th November, located in Aireys Inlet, near Anglesea, along Victoria’s famous surf coast. Given the unpredictability of this school year, we were indeed very fortunate to be able to attend and make the most of the facilities and the opportunities presented to our lovely… Read more

    Year 4 Camp Angahook
  • ASC Community News Report (Ep. 9)

    18 November 2021

    Alhamdulillah, our video newsletters are back after a long absence due to lockdown. Our latest Episode 9 features Teachers' Day well wishes from students, an interview with Ms Tanja about our team’s participation in the Great Cycle Challenge and Mr Kinsella advocating for the ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ Cricket Academy ASCA. We would like to thank Ruqaiya… Read more

    ASC Community News Report (Ep. 9)
  • AMC Certificates of Distinction Awards

    12 November 2021

    We are honoured to report that six of our students have been awarded with Certificates of Distinction for their participation in the annual Australian Mathematics Competition AMC 2021, mashaAllah. A distinction is awarded to students ranking in the top 20%. The AMC is an Australia-wide annual competition, requiring students from Years 3… Read more

    AMC Certificates of Distinction Awards
  • Tennis net donations received from Epping Tennis Club

    11 November 2021

    We are very grateful to Epping Tennis Club for donating a number of mini tennis nets to the College as part of their Multicultural Grant. It was wonderful to have members of ETC to come out to us to install the new nets and watch the students in full swing, putting the new nets into great use. Our students have been very enthusiastic and… Read more

    Tennis net donations received from Epping Tennis Club
  • Happy World Teachers Day 2021

    29 October 2021

    On today’s Friday, 29 October 2021, Australia celebrates World Teachers Day, a special day to acknowledge the bright future of teaching and thank our hard working, dedicated teachers for making a difference in our kids' lives. Just when we all thought "we've got this" in Victoria, our school community went back to teaching and learning… Read more

    Happy World Teachers Day 2021
  • Year 4 Virtual Cook Along Class

    27 October 2021

    We have a confection to make: In order to boost the Year 4 students’ spirits during lockdown, the teachers hosted a virtual Cook Along class, inviting the students to join together in donning their aprons, rolling up their sleeves and creating scrumptious Chocolate Balloon Cups and Ice Chocolate Drizzles. This brought a smile to many… Read more

    Year 4 Virtual Cook Along Class
  • Year 12 graduate students farewelled

    26 October 2021

    Our Year 12 student cohort celebrated their last official day at school with a farewell assembly on last Friday, 22 October 2021. Our Year graduates had an opportunity to reflect on their experiences at the College with their peers and coordinators. Teachers and students shared their experiences, words of advice, laughter and some tears… Read more

    Year 12 graduate students farewelled
  • Year 4 students' news reports

    25 October 2021

    Someone once said that journalism is the first rough draft of History. Year 4 and Hifz A students have been learning to write news reports in this term. The students observed animals in the wild via webcams and communicated their observations. Some students wrote about Victoria’s lockdown. Please put your hands together for our budding… Read more

    Year 4 students' news reports
  • Welcome back to class, Foundation students

    18 October 2021

    What a delight to see our youngest students back in their classrooms, with their laughter and excited voices ringing through the otherwise empty corridors and out on the playground. This morning saw our Foundation students returning to school after a 74-day absence. For the next three days, our youngest students and their teachers can… Read more

    Welcome back to class, Foundation students
  • Superheroes training in PE

    7 October 2021

    PE classes were a little different this week as we have been welcoming back our students to Term 4. In a world where school is taught from home with kids sleeping in late, wearing pyjamas all day and losing motivation to exercise, the need for physical exercise and movement is needed now more than ever. We had therefore organised for our… Read more

    Superheroes training in PE
  • End of term celebrations

    17 September 2021

    Wednesday, 15 September 2021 marked the last day of online learning for our students in Term 3. From Footy Colours and movie day, picnic at home, cooking or joining the Go Gold for cancer kids campaign, lockdown and remote learning could not stop our wonderful Primary students and staff from celebrating all their hard work and ongoing… Read more

    End of term celebrations
  • Year 1D End of Term Celebrations

    16 September 2021

    On today’s last day of Term 3, our Year 1D students celebrated their hard work an efforts throughout this term by making yummy snowballs. All the students enjoyed the activity! We all had lots of fun baking and designing our delicious snowballs. We invite you to see more photos of this and other class' end of term celebrations and… Read more

    Year 1D End of Term Celebrations
  • Go Gold campaign a great success

    15 September 2021

    It is hard to find the right words to express our heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful school community for the many beautiful messages of support for 6-year-old Lilli and other children fighting childhood cancer. The response to our "Go Gold for childhood cancer awareness" campaign has attracted such amazing support from our students… Read more

    Go Gold campaign a great success
  • Foundation: Maths rockets

    14 September 2021

    Our youngest students in Foundation have worked very hard during online learning on creating their very own Maths rockets. The task was to count backwards from a given number. Click here to see their amazing work and colourful rockets!/gallery/junior-school/foundation-maths-rockets/september-2021 and well… Read more

    Foundation: Maths rockets
  • RU OK? Day 2021: Virtual Recess

    10 September 2021

    Another lock down what more is there to say. We’re checking in to see "R U OK?". Not in class not with friends, it really has been a while. We’re here to help to cheer you up and make you smile. – Poem written by Ms Desiree Kaldine. RU Ok? Day is an annual event which happens once a year on the second Thursday of September, is it to… Read more

    RU OK? Day 2021: Virtual Recess
  • RU OK? Day: First ever virtual playground

    10 September 2021

    Since our return to remote learning, student opportunities to talk to, play with, and check on friends have been hard to come by. We understand that social elements of student-to-student interactions are important for helping them remain part of the learning community and maintain friendships. Along with our annual R U OK Day program, Al… Read more

    RU OK? Day: First ever virtual playground
  • RU OK? – Reaching out and showing empathy

    10 September 2021

    One of our Year 3A students has lost her two loving and caring grandparents in her home country within a span of 4 weeks due to COVID-19. Displaying heartfelt support and empathy, her classmates had gathered some things to cheer her up. Whatever they're carrying, show them they don't have to carry it alone. Are they really OK? Ask them… Read more

    RU OK? – Reaching out and showing empathy
  • Syria Winter Campaign Update

    9 September 2021

    We are pleased to update our school community that your many kind donations for our recent SRC Syria Winter Campaign have all been wrapped up, delivered and loaded into the shipping container organised by Australian Syrian Association Victoria ASAV this past weekend, alhamdulillah. Due to lockdown extension, the container was under threat… Read more

    Syria Winter Campaign Update
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