
ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ news

All news – 1713 stories

  • ISAAV Futsal Friendly Tournament

    6 December 2022

    What an amazing day we had for our first Years 3-4 Boys ISAAV Futsal Tournament!. Students from AIA Coburg, AIA Caroline Springs and Ilim College participated to play in an all-day ’round robin’ style Futsal event held at Coburg Stadium earlier this week. Each school had the opportunity to play a number of mini-matches against other… Read more

    ISAAV Futsal Friendly Tournament
  • Morning Tea and new President announced

    2 December 2022

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ held a lovely Thank You Morning Tea earlier today to express our deep gratitude towards all of our wonderful parent volunteers for their massive help and support with various functions and events this year. We thank outgoing PFC President Ms Jedda van Rooyen for her great leadership, initiative and warmth throughout 2022 while… Read more

    Morning Tea and new President announced
  • LEAP Exhibition 2022

    2 December 2022

    Alhamdullilah, the LEAP Inquiry Exhibition has been a great and successful event held in our auditorium on last Friday, 18 November 2022 . The exhibition was well attended by parents, staff and fellow students after school from 2.30pm onwards. The exhibition was a whole year’s worth of student research work, stretching over the course of… Read more

    LEAP Exhibition 2022
  • 2023 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar Program Recipient

    1 December 2022

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ is extremely proud to announce that our current Year 10 student Mohammad Ridha Awwady will be a Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar in 2023. The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support high achieving Victorian Year 11 and Year 12 students. It is a very prestigious and selective… Read more

    2023 Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholar Program Recipient
  • Year 2 ASC Farm Incursion

    1 December 2022

    Our Year 2’s had an opportunity to visit our very own ASC farm on site. They observed and interacted with chickens, rabbits, goats and guinea pigs. Do you remember the chicks that we hatched at school during Term 2? We were all fascinated by how much they had grown! It was really wonderful to see the awe and smiles on everyone’s faces… Read more

    Year 2 ASC Farm Incursion
  • 2022 Graduation Ceremony

    29 November 2022

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ held its 8th Graduation ceremony at Grand Neret Receptions in Epping on Friday, 25 November 2022. The night was a great success as we celebrated the graduation of our 24 students in front of more than 200 guests. The Year 12’s had worked hard throughout the year and achieved the milestone of completing 13 years of schooling… Read more

    2022 Graduation Ceremony
  • Year 6 Arabic Incursion: Our Muslim Identity in the Medical Profession

    28 November 2022

    Last Friday, 25 November 2022, our dedicated Arabic Department welcomed three guest speakers on site to share their experiences with our Year 6 students on what it means to be a practising Muslim paramedic and nurse in Victoria. Ms Rana and Ms Mona are two paramedics wearing hijab who discussed modesty and their Islamic character with our… Read more

    Year 6 Arabic Incursion: Our Muslim Identity in the Medical Profession
  • 2023 Transition Universities Incursions

    28 November 2022

    Victoria, Monash and RMIT Universities recently delivered sessions for 2023 Year 11 and 12 students. They provided information of the types of courses on offer, pathways into courses, scholarships and special entry schemes. RMIT University also covered TAFE courses as it is a dual sector institution that offers both TAFE and University… Read more

    2023 Transition Universities Incursions
  • Soccer Gala Day convened by ASC

    18 November 2022

    ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ College proudly convened the annual Football Academy Soccer Gala Day for students in Years 3 and 4 on yesterday’s Thursday, 17 November 2022. We had a fantastic attendance on the day with students and staff from seven other schools within our local Bridge Inn South BIS district participating. It was great to see all students… Read more

    Soccer Gala Day convened by ASC
  • Year 5 and 6: ISSAV Basketball Tournament

    16 November 2022

    On today’s Wednesday, 16 November, our Year 5/6 Basketball team represented the College at the annual Sports Carnival hosted by the Islamic School Sports Association of Victoria ISSAV. The girls faced 5 other schools, winning 4 of the matches drawing another. This qualified them to play in the final against Ilim College, finishing with a… Read more

    Year 5 and 6: ISSAV Basketball Tournament
  • ILM excursion: Islamic Museum and Preston Mosque

    15 November 2022

    Our Ilm Program students in Years 8 to 11 visited the Islamic Museum of Australia IMA and Preston Mosque with their esteemed teachers Sheikh Waseem, Ustadh Owais and Ustadha Hafsa. Students increased their knowledge at the IMA by exploring the history of Islam in Australia. The museum visit was a great exposure for our students to step… Read more

    ILM excursion: Islamic Museum and Preston Mosque
  • Year 6G: Futsal competition

    15 November 2022

    Our Year 6 girls had the opportunity to represent ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ in a Futsal tournament against other Islamic schools, organised by the Islamic Schools Association of Victoria ISSAV. With lots of enthusiasm, we left the College with the zeal to meet our fellow students from other schools and compete in the Futsal competition. What is futsal?… Read more

    Year 6G: Futsal competition
  • Year 4 Camp Experience

    11 November 2022

    The past three days/two nights saw our Year 4 students and their teachers having lots of fun and adventures at Camp Angahook in Aireys Inlet along the world famous Great Ocean Road. Our students enjoyed the bus ride to and from the camp, taking in the fantastic ocean views along the way and enjoying a delicious stopover at the… Read more

    Year 4 Camp Experience
  • Year 5G: Scienceworks excursion

    10 November 2022

    Earlier this week on Tuesday, 8 November 2022, our Year 5 and Hifz B girls visited Scienceworks to further explore our Chemistry unit on "States of Matter". We were provided with a detailed demonstration of how solids, liquids and gasses interact with their environment and the changes that occur within the states of matter. The students… Read more

    Year 5G: Scienceworks excursion
  • Year 2A: Publication of "The Adventures of Midas the Monkey"

    10 November 2022

    It’s finally here! Class 2A have written their experiences at home with class mascot Midas the monkey, and have created a wonderful book titled "The mighty adventures of Midas, the monkey". Every student in Year 2A has been able to take home a lasting memory of their fun and interesting experience with their friend Midas, and the class is… Read more

    Year 2A: Publication of
  • Year 2 excursion: Scienceworks

    9 November 2022

    Our Year 2 students visited Scienceworks on Wednesday, 2 November 2022 to enhance their knowledge regarding the Science topic of "Earth and Space". They started the action filled day learning all about weather and lightning. Students were given the opportunity to view demonstrations exhibiting how water, air and heat can cause changes in… Read more

    Year 2 excursion: Scienceworks
  • SBS World News: Ladies Golf Program (featuring ASC mums)

    9 November 2022

    SBS World News ran a story on the Ladies Golf Program organised by City of Whittlesea with mums from ÌÇÐÄvlogÆƽâ°æ College in the evening of Saturday, 5th November 2022. Rihana Penitito, Dania Sarraj, and Mehreen Aleem were showcased. Their story has reached far and wide, starting with a video released by Golf Australia, and now on SBS World… Read more

    SBS World News: Ladies Golf Program (featuring ASC mums)
  • LEAP Inquiry Exhibition: Friday, 18 November

    7 November 2022

    This term has been very busy for both Year 7 & 8 LEAP students with the upcoming Inquiry Learning Exhibition. We are now looking forward to celebrating our students’ inquiry learning and would like you to save the date to join us for the LEAP Inquiry Exhibition. In Term 1, our students in Year 7 & 8 LEAP were actively engaged in their… Read more

    LEAP Inquiry Exhibition: Friday, 18 November
  • Year 3: Visit from Epping Gardens Senior Citizens

    4 November 2022

    As a part our Values-in-Action Program/page/values-in-action-program and commitment to community service, our Year 3 students welcomed some of the wonderful senior residents from local Epping Gardens Aged Care for morning tea inside our auditorium earlier this week. The seniors were greeted by the students… Read more

    Year 3: Visit from Epping Gardens Senior Citizens
  • Student Volunteers at "Carnival of Connections"

    3 November 2022

    As part of our Values-In-Action Program, twelve of our Year 8 and Year 9 Secondary students as well as College Captain Zainab Rida gave up their Sunday afternoon to volunteer at the "Carnival of Connections" event, organised and hosted by Whittlesea Interfaith Network WIN. The colourful event held at the Epping Memorial Hall on last… Read more

    Student Volunteers at
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